Nothing written on this page is strictly investment advice. Do not expect snow in the falls. After completing the membership links below step by step, you can send an e-mail if you get stuck.
3Commos Robot, which is built on Binance, Huobi and other major exchanges, trades very quickly and efficiently. You can install 1 bot for free and you can get a very good yield with the QFL signal. There are various bots; I find USDT / ALL coin based bots more efficient and less risky . I will explain about it. So your money stays in USDT. It buys any number of 10 usdt, for example 200, 10 dollar coins and sells it when it reaches the profit target. If you say why 10, to divide and reduce the risk. It is less risky to buy 200 different coins instead of buying one 2000 dollar coin to the bot. It converts your profits into dollars or coins. It chooses, buys and sells all transactions, including the selection of coins. Your money is in your own stock market. You only authorize the bot to buy and sell; You define it from the API settings. You can use various signal providers such as Trading view, QFL etc. I got very good results with the trading view strong buy signal and long bots in the rising market. If you don’t want to take too much risk while defining the trading view signal;
You must define 1 minute strongbuy, 5 minutes strongbuy., 15 minutes strongbuy, 1 hour buy, and 4 hours buy. In this way, it does not make purchases in very risky places. When the market is falling, I use qfl signals. If you choose Qfl signal, robot ; It waits until it drops to the bottom, when it turns green, it starts to take. I also put a 4 percent stop in case it goes down again. Again, he waits for the fall of the market to end and takes it from the bottom. Putting a stop is all a matter of strategy. Profitability increases if you do not put a stop. However, at high decreases, the loss increases. As a result of long trials, I achieved the lowest risk and high profit target as follows;
I set up two separate robots. One is a small profit target with a Qfl signal. For example, 6 percent. However, I did trailing 4, so the bot doesn’t sell unless the coin is withdrawn by 4 percent. When I did Trailing 4, I got more than 30 percent profit. If it is already falling by 4 percent, then the probability of a problem in the market rises. I made the profit target of 6 percent so that the bot does not sell at a loss in withdrawals. I think a 4 percent stop is useful. If you ask why, if it drops 4 percent, it means that there is a possibility of a 10-15 percent decrease in the market anyway. For example, let’s take 100 coins worth 1 usdt. Sell at 4 percent stop. 96 usdt remains. If the market drops 10 percent on average, the price of the coin will drop to 0.9 usdt. The Qfl signal already picks it up again from the bottom. 96 / 0.9 : You will have 106 coins. So a stop may not actually mean a loss. I am considering this strategy. Everyone’s strategy is different; What is written here is not investment advice. Below are the returns I got from 3commas bot in a few days. I have given the installation settings and explanations in the pictures titled 3commas below. None of the articles on this page are investment advice.
3commas few daily returns 3 commas few daily returns 3 commas few daily returns Huobi Global $170 welcome bonus link
Bot Settings/Configuration options
First of all, you should open an account from the links with the reference code below, where you can install the 3commas robot and have an advantageous commission discount. According to, May 2021 data; Here are the links to the largest crypto exchanges by trading volume and advantageous referral codes:
1. Binance Global yüzde 20 +25 (referall code) : YFME7BWK
Binance referall link:
Binance Türkiye % 20 +25 referall link:
2. Coinbase Exchange (referall code) : cansev_q0
Coinbase referall link :
3. Huobi Global (referall code) : din69
Referall Link:
4. Kraken referans kodu:
5. KuCoin (referall code) : rJHSU7G
KuCoin Referall Link: Referall link
Discounted reference code for 3commas robot :
Binance international 3commas robot works on binance international account that you open from the 1st link

If you are a member from all 3 links above, you must now set up 3 commas – Binance Api. You can find the videos on Google here.
Short, Long, Composite, Single vs. Various bots are available.
The bots that follow the qfl or trading view signal I use automatically sell and convert to usdt with an average loss of 4 percent without much loss in high drops. Then it starts buying when the bots following the qfl signal tend to rise from the bottom or when the bots following the trading view signal start to get a strong 4-hour buy signal. There is an average of 4 percent stop-loss. If you wish, you can change this stop-loss setting according to your own wishes. If you click the link below and click “copy” and click “start”, it will start automatically. Again, you can download the 3commas application to your phone and follow it from there and check whether it is open. It’s a good idea to wait and watch for a few hours. Orders don’t start right away.
Note: If the bot links below are not opening, if you make the same settings as in the pictures titled 3commas below, your bot will work.
If you are seeing an upward trend in the market instead of QFL bots, strong buy signals like the link below may be more effective. However, in strongbuy, rsi, ta preset vs signaled robots, the stop loss does not work as efficiently as in Qfl. In fact, most of the time, the stops did not work on these signals in binance. That’s why I recommend you to install the robot on Huobi Global from the Huobi membership link above and use Qfl Signal.
1 percent targeted robot link with qfl signal for Huobi Global
no stop loss ready bot signal with qfl3 signal; you can click start and run it.
The link below is aimed at 1 percent and 13 percent profit,
1% profit target strongbuy ve rsi signal, no stoploss, 0.2% trailing
Strongbuy with 13 percent profit target, ta presets 4 hours, ult 7-14-28 and rsi 7 4 hours signal, no stoploss, 1 percent trailing
Of course, if the market reverses, it will cause more losses in declines. Again, you can optionally use short bots to increase your coin amount in drops. Single bots work with a single coin. Composite bots can run the most advantageous of all coins at the same time. If the market is in the rising phase, it would be logical to set a high profit target in USDT bots. Bots that usually stay in the coin while rising provide much more returns. I am setting up 5 bots with a gradual profit target. By establishing 5 different bots with a profit target of 8 -12-14-16 percent and 20 percent, I set short, medium and long-term goals. The choice is still yours.

This article contains the basic settings of the DCA bot.
Before starting, please make sure “Advanced” is selected in the “Create BOT-bot” section.
Discounted reference code for 3commas robot Turkey:
ready bot with qfl3 signal link
Advanced” “Create Bot” . If you want to run with a single coin single ; If you want to run with more than one coin, choose ‘composite’.

Name: Name
If there is a name for your bot, you will see it in your bot list and active trades. You can name it by trading pair or settings.
Exchange -Exchange
The account the bot will trade with. You can connect it to Huobi Exchange, Binance or other exchanges.
Boot Type- Boot type
Choose “Simple” for a bot that will only trade with one coin pair.
Choose “Composite”
Select “Composite – Miscellaneous” to create a bot that can trade many different currency pairs.
You can run one of the “Composite” bots in the free trial version. Only available in PRO version if you want to run multiple composite bots. If you choose USDT / ALL, it works on all coin pairs. Selects and buys the most advantageous coins. When the target profit reaches 8 or 12 percent, for example, it automatically sells. If you do trailing 4, it will wait if it is in the upward direction, unless 4 percent retreats. 20-30-40 percent waits until they go. It sells when it retraces 4%.

recommended pairs
A dynamically updated list of coin pairs with the most successful deals in the last 24 hours.
Select a coin pair for the bot to trade (multiple coins,

Only available for composite boats.
A list of currency pairs the bot will trade. You cannot choose pairs with different major coins on the same bot. You cannot choose XRP / BTC, ADA / BTC, ADA / ETH and XRP / ETH on the same composite bot. In this case, you need to install two different bots: one for BTC_ * and one for ETH_ *.
*** USDT _ ALL OR ALL-USDT : ALL_ USDT” button will add all available coins traded in the selected base currency.
The “Clear-Clear” button deletes everything in the list.

Strategies that the bot will use. The Long and Short strategies are described here.
Max active deals
Only available for composite boats.
How many deals the bot can open at once. Here, if you want to run 500 dollars on this bot, for example, you can make a 500/10: 50 deal. In other words, you can buy 50 different coins for 10 dollars on the bot. Activated deals must be 50. Of course, too much of this does not prevent the bot from working. It just gives a warning. It buys once for each coin in the settings I have given on the page. Normally, the bot buys to lower the average as the coin value drops. However, this is inefficient in a falling market. I make 1 deal from each coin in order not to care about the falling coin instead. You can change these settings if you wish.
Profit currency-
profit currency-
The currency in which the bot must accumulate the profits it makes. For example, if you are choosing a USDT ALL type bot; If you choose ‘Quote’, it will convert all your profits to USDT. If you choose ‘Base’, it converts profits to Coins it buys and sells. BTC / ALL Coins, you are preferred a bot; If you choose ‘Quote’, it will convert all your profits to BTC. If you select ‘Base’ it will convert the old view to buying and selling profits.
With the ‘Quote currency’ active, the bot will aged profits in the berthing currency for the pair to receive. Profit will be made on ETH/BTC, NEO/BTC, ADA/BTC, BTC.
‘BA – Base currency’ event, left purchase of bot pair currency will be profited. ETH / BTC – profit received in ETH;
XRP / BTX – XRPs received profit;
ADA/USDT profit etc received in ADA.
Base trade size: How many USDT orders the bot will enter for each trade: It is recommended to do 12 USDT. (IF YOU MADE A USDT – ALL COINS BOAT)
Initial transaction size. The bot will use this amount for the first purchase order when a new deal is opened. If 0.2 is written here and BTC_ADA pair is selected for the bot to launch, the bot will buy ADA at 0.2 BTC when a new deal is opened. (IF YOU MADE A BTC-ALL COINS BOAT)
Safety trade size; Safe trade amount
The bot will issue security orders after opening the trade to average your purchase price if the coin drops. This setting determines the volume of these safety orders. If you put 0.2 here and keep the other settings as they are, start the bot and wait for a new deal. When the bot launches, it will place three security orders of -1, -2, and 3% above the starting price for each 0.2 BTC size.
In the 1st picture below, the qfl signal will only buy when it starts to rise from the bottom at high lows. It involves slightly lower risk. However, in a constantly rising market, it cannot buy and miss the pumps.
The trading view in picture 2 is a bit riskier, but more effective in an emerging market. If you add the 4-hour buy signal in the trading view, the risk is reduced. The coin that gives a buy signal for 4 hours means that it will probably rise.

Deal Start Condition-Anlaşma Başlatma Koşulu
Bir botun yeni bir ticareti ne zaman açacağını belirler, daha fazla bilgi için aşağıdaki kılavuzlara bakın:
Seize opportunities with deal start conditions–Anlaşma başlangıç koşullarıyla fırsatları yakalayın.
Technical Analysis start conditions- Teknik Analiz başlangıç koşulları-
How to use TradingView custom signals– TradingView özel sinyalleri nasıl kullanılır
Target profit (%) – Target profit
This is the profit target that the bot must make from every successful deal. When the bot opens a new trade, it places the Take Profit order using the percentage specified in this field. If you give a profit target of 2.6 in the photo below, you will not take much risk. If Trailing, if you do 2.5; It will not sell the coin unless there is a 2.5 percent pullback. For example, let’s say it reached 10 percent profit and then dropped 2.5 percent from here. It sells at a profit of 7.5 percent. So it’s all a matter of strategy. It makes sense if you want to aim high profits and take less risk. A 4.3 percent stop loss is preferred to sell on high lows and buy low. For example, 4.3 percent sell thoughts; Let’s say it dropped 20 percent; qfl gets the signal when it starts to rise from the bottom. You will have a profit of about 15 percent. Stoploss time out is to prevent instant stop burst. If you type 2, it will check after 2 seconds. If it’s still going down, it stops.

How to calculate target profit:
MAX AKTIVE TRADE COUNT: MAX NUMBER OF ACTIVE TRADES – Suppose a deal is opened with an initial trading volume of $100 and a target profit of 5% ($5), and then the price drops. As a result, the bot buys ADDITIONAL coins for using security orders; He bought $900 more coins and now the total trading volume is $1000. The bot will sell when it makes profit not $100 (5% from $1000).
Maximum number of secure transactions: 1 if you do and ; MAX ACTIVE SAFETY TRADE ie Maximum number of active trades: 0 will not be taken again;
MAX ACTIVE SAFETY TRADE: If you do 1, the COIN will only buy 1 more time if the PRICE drops.
Percentage from total volume – Percentage from total volume – the bot is based on percent profit based on the total trade amount. Based on the previous example, he will take profit (5% from 1000 USDT) and sell when 1050 USDT reaches total volume. If he traded 10 times in total and only 100 USDT, he will sell for $105. If you put “TRAILING”, the coin will not sell as long as it rises above the target profit. After seeing the target profit, if it falls back by the percentage you set (for example, 4%), it will sell. For example, if you put 4 percent TRAILING; It first finds the profit target, then sells if there is a 4 percent fallback. TRAILING – The higher the TRACKING, the higher it sells.
Max safety trades count-Maximum security order: If you want to buy from the same coin only once, as in the screenshot below; max safety should be :1 and max active safety should be 0 . 0 may not always be accepted on all phones. Especially android does not accept. Ios accepts. If you make max active safety 1, if the coin drops, it takes it to lower the average from the level it fell once again. If you make 4, every time it falls from the same coin, it will gradually increase it 4 times. This lowers the average.

Max active safety trades count- Maximum active safety order
Maximum security order that can be executed for a deal
Number of security orders the bot will keep open on the exchange: Let’s say there are three active orders ( AKTIVE SAFETY TRADE COUNT) and ten maximum security orders (MAX SAFETY TRADE COUNT). When the bot starts a new deal, it automatically issues three security orders and keeps seven as backups. If the price drops and the first security order is filled, the bot places another one and still gets six more reserve orders. Thus, when the price drops and the security orders are filled, the bot will open new ones until the maximum is ten. If “Maximum number of security trades” and “Maximum number of active security trades” are set with the same number, the bot will place all available security orders for a new deal immediately after opening.
Price deviation to open safety trades
Step in percentages between security orders. If you put 5% here and start a new deal at $100, the first three security orders will be placed at $95, $90.25 and $85.73.
Safety order volume scale
The scale will multiply one volume for each new security order.
Let’s say there is a bot with a security trade size of 0.1 BTC and a scale of 2. The security order volumes will be:
0.1 BTC.
The final security order volume is multiplied by the scale. 0.1 * 2 = 0.2 BTC.
The final security order volume is multiplied by the scale.0.2 * 2 = 0.4 BTC.
0.4 * 2 = 0.8 BTC
0.8 * 2 = 1.6 BTC
Safety order step scale- Safety order step scale
The scale will multiply the digits in the percentages between the safety orders. Suppose there is a bot with a security order price deviation of 1% and the scale is 2. The security order prices will be as follows:
This is the first row, we use the offset to place it: 0 + -1% = -1%. The final security order step is multiplied by the scale and then added to the final order percentage. The last step was 1%, the new step will be %1 * 2 = 2%. To be ordered: -1% + -2% = -3%. Step: 2% * 2 = 4% Order: -3% + -4% = -% 7. Step: 4% * 2% = 8. Order: -7% + -8% = -15% Step: 8% * 2 = 16%. Order: -15% + -16% = -31%.

Don’t start trade with trading 24h volume less than- If you do 120 as in the picture, your 3commas bot will not receive coins with a trading volume below 120 bitcoins.
The bot will only start a new deal if the coin has more 24-hour volume than entered here. If you create a bot with all BTC _ *** pairs and set it to 500, the bot will only trade coins with a 24-hour volume of not less than 500 BTC.
Do not start trading with less than 24 hours trading volume
If the bot does not use BTC _ ***, but for example ETH _ ***, this filter will still use BTC for calculations. The 24-hour volume will be automatically converted to BTC based on the actual rate.
Stop Loss
If the coin price drops to this level or below, the bot will take the selected action. The value must be below the last security order. The bot calculates the stop loss level from the base order price, not the deal average price.
Available actions: Available actions:
Close deal – If it sells at a loss at the stop level you put, it will only terminate the deal of that coin.
Close deal & stop bot – the bot will close the deal with a loss at market rates and stop. No new deals are then opened.
When editing the bot, please note that the already opened deals will not affect the stop loss action. Edit active deals separately when you need to change the stop loss action. For example, you have a bot with an active deal, the bot’s stop loss action is set to “Close deal and stop bot”. If you edit the bot by changing the stop loss action to “Close the deal” and you do not edit the deal, the bot will stop when the deal reaches the stop loss level.
Cooldown between deals
The bot will not open a new trade until the specified time has passed. If 12000 is written, it waits for 12000 seconds after making a stop or selling profit. This protects you from high losses in a repeatedly falling market.
A composite bot has different timers for each pair.
Min price & Max price – Min-max price
The bot will not open a new deal if the current price is lower than the minimum price or higher than the maximum price.
Open deals & stop
The bot can stop after the required number of deals are opened. An empty value disables this option.
Incomplete deals will affect the amount of deals that have already been opened. If the bot has opened 10 deals, but only 2 have expired, the setting will count as 10.
If the bot is already active when the setting is enabled, only deals opened after that time will be counted.
Simultaneous deals per same pair
If you do 1 simultaneous, it will only open one deal from the same coin. If you make 4, you can buy from the same coin at 4 different times. However, if 4 times the purchase coincides with a falling coin, it can increase the loss.
Another example is you set simultaneous deals per same pair to 1. The bot opens a new deal at XXX_YYY. Now if the bot receives a signal to open a new deal at XXX_YYY, it will ignore it until the deal is closed. If you set simultaneous deals to 3 for the same pair, the bot will initiate three deals on XXX_YYY using the first three signals it receives for that pair. It will ignore all other signals for XXX_YYY until at least one of the active deals on XXX_YYY is closed.
The maximum active negotiation setting has higher priority. The bot will check the maximum active deal limit before checking if it can open a deal on the same pair. If the bot has already reached the maximum limit of active deals for all pairs, it will ignore all signals even if there is still room to open deals for the same pair.
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